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Facial Implants in Palo Alto, San Jose, and the Bay Area

What are facial implants?

Facial implants use of soft, synthetic implants to bring harmony to the facial features and enhance structure. Silicone implants are typically used, and do not contain any liquid component. They are also compatible with human tissues. Facial implants augment or emphasize particular facial features in a natural-looking way by supporting the underlying bony skeleton and creating youthful contours where there may be volume loss. A facial implant procedure is often done alongside another surgery, but can be done alone as well. 

Up close of beautiful woman's face

Facial implants have the ability to:

  • Enhance the natural cheekbone  
  • Define the chin
  • Provide “lift” to the face
  • Lift nasolabial folds and the skin of the face
  • Sculpt a weak jawline
  • Help the face appear less hollow and gaunt
  • Improve pre-jowl sulcus (depressions around the chin)

Before & After

Types of facial implants

Cheek implants 

With age, our cheekbones can start to droop and sag, making the cheeks appear flat and sunken. Strong cheekbones, however, add symmetry, youthfulness, and beauty to the overall appearance of the face. If you’re lacking in the cheekbone department, implants can give you more definition and projection, enhancing the rest of your facial features. An incision will be made within the mouth or along the lower eyelid. Cheekbone implants can be inserted via this incision. 

Jaw implants 

Just as a weak chin can have a considerable impact on the appearance of the face and profile, so can a weak jaw. Jawline implants widen the lower half of the face, creating a much more sculpted and contoured look. Incisions for jawline implants are made inside the mouth, on either side of the lower lip. 

Chin implants 

Chin implants are for individuals who have a small or recessed chin. Many women are unhappy with their recessed chin because it causes the corners of the mouth to turn down, resulting in a permanent scowl. Many men dislike their small chin because they feel it isn’t masculine enough. And for both men and women, a small chin can add the appearance of weight. 

Chin implants can greatly improve the appearance of the chin, profile, and neck area. They can enhance chin size and may also be used to improve the depressions around the chin (pre-jowl sulcus). Chin implant surgery is performed by making an incision either along the lower lip (inside the mouth) or just below the chin area. This surgery can be done on its own, but is often performed in conjunction with a rhinoplasty.

Are facial implants right for you?

If you’re in Palo Alto, San Jose, or the Bay Area and you are considering in facial implants, it may be the ideal surgery for your needs. The best candidates for facial implants:

  • Are unhappy with a recessed chin, weak jawline, or lack of cheekbones
  • Have finished developing in their face
  • Are in general good health and do not smoke
  • Have realistic expectations for facial implant results

Hessler Plastic Surgery for facial implants in Palo Alto, San Jose, and the Bay Area

If you’re in Palo Alto, San Jose, or the Bay Area and you want the absolute best results for facial implants, choosing Dr. Jill Hessler is a must. Dr. Hessler is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who currently serves as Chair of the Women on the Facial Plastic Surgery committee at the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. She is an award-winning, locally and nationally recognized surgeon with over a decade of experience. On top of all this, Dr. Hessler is highly dedicated and passionate about getting exceptional results for her patients. To learn more about facial implants, contact us to schedule an appointment.

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