The facelift is one of the top five cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the U.S., and one of Dr. Hessler’s specific areas of focus. This surgery has gained widespread popularity because of the remarkable results it can achieve: sagging skin and wrinkles of the face and neck can be greatly improved, taking years off your appearance.
Why Get a facelift?
Sun and smoke exposure, environmental factors, medical conditions, and heredity can accelerate the visible signs of aging such as sagging skin and wrinkles. In addition to this, gravity and the loss of youthful volume in the face begin to disappear after our 20s. As the years go by, the mid-face loses more and more of that volume and starts to appear flatter, sunken, and more hollow.
A facelift procedure can improve these areas by tightening the support structure beneath the skin. Most facelift patients are between the ages of 40 to 70 years old, and have moderate to severe wrinkles and/or sagging skin. Those who are just starting to see the early signs of aging in the mid-face and neck are ideal candidates for a facelift in San Jose.